Who Can Join?

Membership is open to people who are 18 years or older. An individual who has attained the age of 18 can join a South Australian Masters Club to train and compete in Club, Branch and National Masters Events. World Aquatics still retains its minimum age for competing at 25 years.

You can travel the world as an Australian Masters Swimmer and train with any Masters Club. We recommend you do some research about the Club(s) before you travel and introduce yourself and check on their latest training information to confirm arrangements for the session.

Why Join?

The following services are available to members of Masters Swimming South Australia:

  • Access to Masters Swimming clubs and assistance with linking with you local friendly club
  • Provide governance of Masters Swimming in South Australia
  • Support and assistance to all Masters Swimming South Australia (MSSA) clubs
  • Assist club with the organisation and conduct of Swim meets and events
  • Provide Branch training to all members at the North Adelaide Aquatic Centre
  • Provide national insurance policies for members and officials
  • Assistance from National Committees – Coaching, Swim Meets & Technical
  • Dissemination of national rules, policies & guidelines to clubs
  • Maintenance of  the MSSA website & management of the website platform
  • Maintenance of the SA registration database
  • Production and distribution of e-newsletters
  • Sourcing, partnerships, strategic alliances, sponsorship and funding at the state & national level
  • Liaison with Swimming Australia, FINA, and ASCTA on relevant matters
  • Sanctioning of International, National and State Masters Swimming events in SA
  • Guidance and assistance in the organisation of the National Championships and Masters Games swimming events
  • Access to accredited coaching and technical courses
  • Access to the Vorgee Million Metre Awards and Vorgee Endurance 1000
  • Publishing of National records and National Top 10 results via the MSA Results Portal
  • Annual Awards including Swimmer of the Year and Club of the Year.

What types of membership are available?

12 Month

Our major, and most popular membership. Available to all members. Runs from January 1 to December 31 (NB – All 12 month memberships expire December 31, no matter when you join throughout the year).

16 Month

Available NOW at selected clubs and valid from 1 September 2023 until 31 December 2024.


Swimmers can take advantage of 6 month membership options by simply visiting Swim Central members. These options are available to any swimmer not currently a member of a Master’s Club. The next 6 month membership is available Now until 3December 2023.

Swimmers who have been previous members should have their details in Swim Central and should use this existing data when re-joining. If you are not sure of your login and password please contact Masters Swimming SA or your previous club.

How much does it cost to join?

Registration fees are comprised of a National, Branch and Club component. The membership fee is the sum of all three components. As club fees vary from $0 to around $50 depending on the club, totals are not provided in the table below.

Indicative Membership Fees
6 Month Membership

(available mid year)


12 Month Membership


16 Month Membership

(when activated)


National Component $61.37 $75.91
+ +
State Component $74.88 $74.88
+ +
Club Component Varies club to club Varies from $0 to ~ $50 Varies club to club
Plus small system charge Plus small system charge Plus small system charge

Membership of Multiple Clubs 

Members can join as many clubs as they like, including clubs in different states if desired. The primary club shall be referred to as the member’s First Claim Club. All other clubs shall be referred to as the member’s Second Claim Club.

For a First Claim Club, the club member will pay the required Club, Branch and National components of the membership fee. For any subsequent club memberships, the swimmer will pay only the club fee if all clubs are within the same Branch and a club plus Branch fee if any clubs are in different States.

Points gained by a club member in the Vorgee National Endurance 1000 Competition shall accrue to the members First Claim Club. In swim meets, the member may represent any club of which they are a member, provided that the swimmer does not swim for more than one club in the same meet.

A member retains the same membership number even if they join more than one club