This declaration is part of the requirement for a swimmer wishing to register for any Masters Swimming Club
Privacy Statement
Masters Swimming Australia (MSA) is committed to protecting your privacy. MSA will collect, use, disclose and hold personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (“The Act”).
Identifying information may be published in Masters Swimming publications such as Top Ten, Records, Results Portal, newsletters etc.
Member Protection Policy
Masters Swimming Australia (MSA) has adopted a Member Protection Policy which outlines our commitment towards maintaining ethical and informed decision-making and encouraging responsible behaviours within our sport. It outlines our commitment to a person’s right to be treated with respect and dignity and to be safe and protected from abuse. This policy details the responsibilities and the standards of behaviour that are expected of everyone involved in our sport and has been endorsed by the National Board of Management. Copies of the policy and its attachments can be obtained from the MSA website at
As a member of MSA you agree to be bound by this policy.
Safety in Activity
MSA is concerned for your health and well-being. It is strongly recommended that you have a medical examination and discuss with your doctor your intention of undertaking an activity program.
As a condition of acceptance of my membership application, I declare that I am aware of the risks associated in undertaking an activity program. I undertake to advise the Club Coach and Club Safety Officer (or other assigned officer) of any disability, lack of fitness, illness, or other medical condition, prior to participation in Masters Swimming activities.
Pregnancy and Swimming
Continued participation in swimming during pregnancy may pose health risks to women and their unborn children. As soon as you learn you are pregnant, you should seek advice from an appropriately qualified medical practitioner as to:
1.the risks involved in swimming while pregnant;
2.whether it is safe to continue participating in swimming while pregnant, and if so, for how long you should continue to participate.
3.You should also inform your club Safety Officer or other designated officer of your pregnancy.
Medical Disability
A completed Medical Disability form (available from your club) must be given to your club for a medical disability to be considered for breaststroke and/or butterfly competition.
Some of the information contained in this form will be disclosed to the Branch and National office for membership registration purposes. Some of the information, including the health information, may be disclosed to other Masters Swimming Clubs, other Masters Swimming Branches or the National office for official swim meet purposes.
I have read, understand and agree to the above
Email Distribution
I agree to allow Masters Swimming Australia to send me correspondence via email.
I acknowledge that I can unsubscribe from this distribution at any time.
I have read, understand and agree to the above