2019 Mildura Murray Masters Carnival

The Mildura Waves 180-190 Deakin Avenue, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

  Click here for Online Entry   Short Course Location: Mildura Waves Pool 7 September 2019 1.30 pm Warm-Up 2.00 pm Start Event No. 1. 50m Backstroke 2. 200m Butterfly 3. 100m Freestyle 4. 25m Breaststroke 5. 50m Butterfly 6.

$40 – $45

2022 Mildura Murray Masters Carnival

The Mildura Waves 180-190 Deakin Avenue, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

Click Here for Online Entry through Swim Central   Mildura Murray Masters, with Masters Swimming SA, invite you to participate in the Mildura Murray Masters Carnival 2022 Why not come and give it a try! Fun, relaxed and friendly atmosphere

Mildura Murray Masters Carnival

The Mildura Waves 180-190 Deakin Avenue, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

CLICK HERE FOR PROGRAM and BASIC DETAILS   ENTRIES NOW OPEN: MASTERS MEMBERS Entry Link: https://swimcentral.swimming.org.au/bounce?returnUrl=%2Fevents%2F04f7cdd8-ab3d-ef11-a316-00224894d0d3%2Fdetail   NON MASTERS MEMBERS Entry Link: https://swimcentral.swimming.org.au/bounce?returnUrl=%2Fevents%2Fd4d6841b-2643-ef11-a316-002248102e3c%2Fdetail
